Professional Practice Toolkit 

Welcome to the Professional Practice Toolkit. Here you will find a set of resource documents that have been compiled, developed, and thoroughly reviewed by your colleagues. These documents seek to provide a brief overview of the topic at hand and point you to important considerations and resources as you make decisions for your Professional Practice. The date at the bottom of each document indicates the last time this material was reviewed and updated.

Disclaimer: The MPA Professional Practice committee created these documents as a general resource for members. However, MPA is not offering legal or other professional advice or endorsing any vendors. Furthermore, this material is not a substitute for the services of an attorney or consultant. MPA encourages users to consult with a competent attorney or consultant, as appropriate. Additionally, laws and regulations are subject to change; therefore, users of these materials should refer to federal and state laws and regulations for current or additional applicable material.


Practice Set Up/Closing

Technology and Ethics

Business Forms

Self Care

Billing & Insurance

Helpful Links:

Clinical Guidelines


If you think of a topic that has not yet been covered, we may be working on it and we could use your help! This toolkit will be a living resource that is updated regularly. We would greatly appreciate your input. If there is a topic you would like to contribute to, please contact the Professional Practice Committee.